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2 answers

Seeking Italy building shapefile [closed]

I'm looking for a buildings layer shapefile for Italy but the one I can find for free here looks incomplete in comparison to when I do a sense check against Google Earth:
Arks's user avatar
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4 answers

Seeking administrative divisions shapefile for Italy? [duplicate]

I am looking for administrative divisions' shapefile for Italy for QGIS. I found one which is a bit old with some inconsistencies. Can anyone please suggest a database to find better (or newer) ...
Arbo94's user avatar
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Italy, road network shapefile with full speed information

I am perusing the internet since one day and still cannot find something satisfying. The most important thing I am interested in is the speed limit (or an average speed) of the respective elements. I ...
Fitzroy Hogsflesh's user avatar
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Building shapefile for Naples region, Italy

I have been searching high and low for a building data layer for the Naples region of Italy (Campania). I am studying volcanic risk from a volcano called Campi Flegrei and have to see how this volcano ...
Danielle Charlton's user avatar