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3 votes
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Delaunay triangulation returning empty geometry in PyQGIS

I would like to compute the Delaunay Triangulation for polylines. But sometimes it works and sometimes it does not, I tried with hand drawn lines. lines=QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName("...
Nardjis H's user avatar
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Incomplete Delaunay triangulation unsing pyqgis3

I'm writing a small Qgis3 python plugin to convert polygon shapefiles to input files for a scientific model. I therefore need to split up the polygon geometries to more simple geometries with up to 4 ...
dom's user avatar
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2 votes
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Creating a 3D TIN or similar 3D Delaunay triangulation in R

Background: I have topographical datasets with height information as a starting point. The endgame is to create a dataset of triangulations which I can use to import into Parasolid to be used further ...
Waldo vdM's user avatar
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How to save a Delaunay triangulation in shapefile with Python?

I have a csv file with coordinates and values for each point. I have made a Delaunay Triangulation and I save it in .png and .pwg formats, but I also would to save in shapefile format, I try with ...
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