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Opening images layer stacked on ArcMap into ERDAS

I noticed that ArcMap can open almost anything but if I do a band combination or a supervised or unsupervised classification on ArcMap I cannot open it on ERDAS. Is there a way around it?
user217233's user avatar
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Input image does not match with signature file in supervised classification

I have a issue in supervised classification on ERDAS IMAGINE. When ever I performed supervised classification it gives a warning message. It says: iInput image does not match signature's image ...
Siddhartha Dhara's user avatar
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Attribute table shows histogram/pixel count for a thematic raster image, but on enquiring, every pixel's value is zero

I have a thematic raster image containing 18 land use classes (like built-up, water bodies, plantations, forest, etc.). When I display this image in a GIS application (Arcmap/Erdas IMAGINE), the map ...
user3317964's user avatar
5 votes
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Knowing the pixel size for a raster before it was resampled

Is there a method to know the exact pixel size (the original size) of a raster “aerial photo”? I have purchased an Arial photo with 10 cm pixel size resolution, and I received a sample of it, but ...
Ahmad saleh's user avatar
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Erdas mosaic producing lots of black space?

I am trying to create an imagery mosaic using erdas imagine. The original files were in a 16 bit DIM Pan-Sharpened format, which produced a completely unusable blank raster (likely an issue with color ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Is possible to merge landsat 8 with High Resolution Satellite Imagery?

i have landsat8 and High Resolution Imagery (1m) in the same study area, is possible to merge them to get one imagery so that i can take advantage of the accuracy satellite imagery. some_text http://...
GIS Man's user avatar
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AVHRR Max NDVI product

I'm trying to take a max annual NDVI product derived from AVHRR and relate it to a specific area that I'm examining.This requires me to identify the region of interest based on Landsat scenes, and ...
Thommy's user avatar
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What is the Pro or Cons for mosaic 30 GB jp2000?

Has anyone tried mosaic jp2000 imagery in ERDAS, ArcGIS , ENVI or any softwares that they have accomplished ? I have three jp2000 files that is total about 28.1 GB that I want to mosaic with ?
PROBERT's user avatar
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Shifting cloud mask in Erdas/ArcMap/Py Script [closed]

I have the task to mask out cloud cover in approximately 20 landsat 8 scenes. Creating the cloud mask for the "white part" is easy, but I need help in addressing the clouds shadow. General ...
Jens Hiestermann's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Matching colours in already mosaiced single image? [closed]

I have an already mosaiced image for a large area. I need to match colours in this single image. I do not have each image separately. I just have this large single image downloaded from GLS. How can I ...
Lakhwinder's user avatar
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Running ERDAS Imagine and ArcMap on same machine [closed]

ArcMap 10 and ERDAS 8.7 were already installed in my computer. But I want to open both programs at the same time. If ArcMap can open properly, ERDAS cann't open and vice versa, showed that following ...
Bandrush Barda's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to solve Differential Equations in ArcMap and/or ERDAS Imagine?

I would like to know if it is possible to solve differential equations and run them directly in either ArcMap or ERDAS Imagine, similar to the raster calculator in ArcMap?
Jay Reynolds's user avatar
5 votes
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Setting "REAL" work/scratch workspace in ESRI/ERDAS etc

I thought the issue was only in ARCGIS but it seems that ERDAS does the same thing. I have my C with 1.7TB and my D with 10TB and my scratch set to d:\scratch but still ERDAS (and ESRI) fills my ...
GeorgeC's user avatar
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