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Opening images layer stacked on ArcMap into ERDAS

I noticed that ArcMap can open almost anything but if I do a band combination or a supervised or unsupervised classification on ArcMap I cannot open it on ERDAS. Is there a way around it?
user217233's user avatar
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Reprojecting a SHP in QGIS to used it in ERDAS

I´m trying to created a AOI in ERDAS with a shapefile, but this shapefile had a projected system different to system that my image has, because of that I changed the projected system of the shp in ...
Na_Na_Na's user avatar
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Projection shapefile

I created a shapefile of Sundarban area Bangladesh. Here it is: Here is the projection information about it: I want this shapefile to project upon an image which is here [I downloaded it from ...
Mitesh's user avatar
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Define vector projection and reproject shapefile in ERDAS IMAGINE 2013?

I come from a GIS background mainly using ArcMap and QGIS, but am now doing more image processing work and so have decided to start using ERDAS IMAGINE 2013. I am attempting to project a shapefile ...
ThomasMNS's user avatar
7 votes
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What are pros and cons of forcing square pixels on reprojection?

I am using Erdas Imagine 2014 to reproject 4-band raster data from GRS 1980 NAD83 Lambert Conformal Conic (ft) to UTM GRS 1980 NAD83 North UTM Zone 11 (m). Unlike ArcGIS, Erdas provides the option to ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Conversion problem of projection of MODIS LAI from sinusoidal to geographic

I am trying to change MODIS data's (LAI) sinusoidal projection to geographic. Actually I did it. But when I reproject it by ERDAS, the output LAI raster moved about 10 km to west side of actual ...
Vandka's user avatar
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Why does ERDAS not like my GDAL output?

I am creating a raster using GDAL and the IMAGINE file doesn't work in ERDAS because it doesn't recognize the projection. Here is the code to generate a sample: from osgeo import gdal projectionWkt ...
Erik L's user avatar
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How to Extract Data from U.S. National Landcover Dataset (NLCD) dataset?

I am working with U.S. National Landcover Dataset (NLCD) to classify habitat type at more than 150 sites across the northeast U.S. The dataset is very large (15GB) so I cannot upload it here, but it ...
I Del Toro's user avatar