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4 answers

Most efficient way to perform rastercalculations with GeoTIFF and/or ErdasImagine files greater than 100gb

I have many GeoTIFFs ranging from 50-300gb and expect I'll have some even larger in the near future. I running a simple subtraction on a pair 77gb 1-band files, but I will also have similar 6-band ...
kpierce8's user avatar
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Is it possible to display a gray color GeoTIFF in ERDAS as it simply occurs in QGIS?

I have several GeoTIFFs (gray color) to be imported in ERDAS, however after googleing I could not find a way to display that color gradient as it occurs in QGIS. Below the GeoTIFF displayed in QGIS: ...
Gery's user avatar
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Need pros and cons of performing a GeoTIFF from ERDAS img conversion

I have a 20GB ERDAS IMG file that I need to incorporate into my project. It's data covers the entire USA, indicating the thickness of satellite sensed tree canopy. What image format would provide me ...
Loki the great's user avatar
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Exporting many TIFFs issues in ERDAS Imagine 2016?

I have been having an issue with exporting TIFFs on my ERDAS Imagine 2016. The version is 16.00.0000 Build 650. When I need to run a batch to export many TIFFs and it would export one but then it ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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Classified image color in Erdas Imagine

I've a ArcMap classified image in tiff format. I want to open it in Erdas for further Accuracy assessment. How to open the image in Erdas with same color ramp as it is given after classification?
Ekta Baranwal's user avatar
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Accuracy Assessment in Erdas Imagine 2015

I'm trying to achieve accuracy assessment in Erdas, but I've faced some difficulties due to my lack of knowledge about it. I've finished an object based classification in eCognition, but whenever I ...
Hüseyin Özgür Doğan's user avatar
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3 answers

Load a raster file directly in Leaflet

Is it possible to load a raster file (e.g. GeoTIFF or Erdas img) directly into a Leaflet map? If so, can you guide me to the correct documentation or method to do this? I am trying to do this with the ...
geo derek's user avatar
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Converting tif to format for TIMESAT using BEAM VISAT or ERDAS IMAGINE?

How can I convert tif image into a format for TIMESAT software to create a time series? I am using BEAM VISAT or ERDAS IMAGINE program.
kate's user avatar
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Converting data type in ERDAS IMAGINE and ArcGIS for Desktop?

My tif image data type is float (i.e. my data is between -1 to +1) and I want to convert it into 8bit unsigned integer. I used ERDAS IMAGINE import tool to do this, while converting it into img also. ...
nilushika's user avatar