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Label or font colors on an imagery background examples

I have been in searching of a website that was done by somebody from ESRI that wrote about...if I remember was in either on the ArcGIS Mapping Center or in the ESRI Technical support ...
PROBERT's user avatar
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How to find out Actual coordinate(pixel values) of chunk relative to the actual image?

I have an image of let say 500 X 500 px, I created tiles/chunks of size (10, 10). Now I want to find out actual chunk coordinate relative to the Original 500X500 px image. Ex I have first chunk of ...
Anup Panwar's user avatar
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Aligning imagery in ERDAS Imagine?

I have two Imagine files that I need to mosaic. When I added these two in Erdas Imagine, there is a black gap between them, for example, they are not properly aligned. I know very little bit about ...
chenzero's user avatar
-1 votes
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Displaying image with absolute path written in layer for QGIS Map Tips [duplicate]

I am trying to display the images of a layer with the "map tip" function. The absolute path of each picture (D:\ ... \ ...\...jpg) is written in a field called "path". I tried to ...
AbeteBianco's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to export selected bands from an image using GDAL [closed]

I have a multi-band GeoTIFF (with 8 bands), and I want to extract first 3 band and 7th band from that image and export them as TIFF image using GDAL. Bands details given by dataset is shown in ...
Muhammad Salman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Create one TIFF from several images [closed]

I have dataset with images Example image: All images have GPS coordinates. I need to stich this images in one TIFF using Python.
Guamokolatokint's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can I find where a satellite image was taken in? [closed]

I really want to find where this is in because it was in my Math test and I've found a place like this before in another test but it actually had names around it so it was easier. I know it's blurry ...
defne's user avatar
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How to change Numpy array shape [closed]

I have an array (Numpy of shape (100, 256, 256). How can I change this to (100, 256, 256,3)? I tried doing reshape but it doesn't work, Can anyone help me.
Anup Panwar's user avatar
-1 votes
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Multiplying image collection by list of numbers (pairwise) using Google Earth Engine

I want to know how to multiply every single image of a collection against its respective coefficient allocated in a list. It means to multiply the image 5 with the element 5, image 6 with element 6, ...
Luis Lizcano's user avatar
-1 votes
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Uploading image into Google Earth Engine [closed]

How do I upload an image into GEE? I would like to a) just upload an image with no actual geodata just to display in a panel b) take an image and give it the geodata as well (in QGIS) and upload it.
Rik Yapp's user avatar
-1 votes
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how to convert this satellite image to RGB image

I have a TIFF file, looks like this: **Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF Files: quickbird2015.tif quickbird2015.tif.aux.xml Size is 15106, 5106 Coordinate System is: GEOGCS["unknown", DATUM["unknown", ...
John Joker's user avatar
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Calculating Percentage of land cover/land use images in ARCGIS [closed]

I want to ask how each land use percentage can be calculated to show water, settlements, forest, agriculture percentages. Can you suggest the process?
Rameez Khan Swati's user avatar
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How do I subset image by vector layer using Erdas Imagine?

I have downloaded MODIS MOD10A2 8 day snow cover image. I need to subset this image. I tried to subset the image in erdas. it says the AOI layer is empty.
Ankit Tewari's user avatar
-1 votes
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Displaying EPSG:32649-WGS 84 image on EPSG:4326 map in ArcMap?

I have a image has EPSG:32649 coordinate system and I want to display this image on a EPSG:4326 map on arcgis desktop (ArcMap). Any one can help me?
Hào Nguyễn Hoàng's user avatar
-1 votes
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Performing image rectification to a jpeg using ERDAS Imagine [closed]

I am trying to rectify some images on ERDAS Imagine. These images are jpegs. They have no projection data. How do I do this?
Sam Lyles's user avatar
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Point cloud/image comparison?

I used MATLAB software to classify point cloud data into 3 classes; (1) main; (2) protrusion and (3) recess. In MATLAB I assigned a distinctive color to each class to differentiate between classes (...
fifi's user avatar
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2 answers

Hand-held GPS to which I can upload imagery and shapefiles?

We've been struggling with Garmins. We can upload imagery and data using a phython script to create a KMZ file then drop it onto the GPS. It kind of works (much better on the newest units, barely on ...
Jakub Sisak GeoGraphics's user avatar
-2 votes
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Distorted image of KML in QGIS

I just started using QGIS and I used Google Earth to export images as KML ground overlays. I then bring the KML into QGIS, then georeference the raster. I tried using de CRS 6370. However, the image ...
Mijal Montelongo 's user avatar
-2 votes
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MODIS MOD13Q1 ndvi calculation

i have downloaded the modis MOD13Q1 from usgs glovis in hdf format. how i will convert it into original ndvi value by multiplying scale factor of 0.0001. I am using ERDAS 9.1 & ENVI 4.7. Can you ...
user33232's user avatar
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Using Mosaicking Images in Erdas software [closed]

Do you know any dissertation which has written about Mosaic briefly? I did the Mosaic for my Landsat images and I want to explain and write about it.
bnar's user avatar
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Installing Google Earth ribbon tab in Erdas?

I have Erdas Imagine 11 and Google Earth installed, however the Erdas interface does not show the Google Earth ribbon tab. I've tried re-installing both software packages, but the toolbox does not ...
user63761's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

what is the basic programming language or code language for raster swipe tool? [closed]

How to develop a Swipe tool for rasters or vectors (Spatial layer) like openlayers or ErdasImagine. Can any one give me the references please
Satya Chandra's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to calculate cumulative mean in ArcGIS, ERDAS and ENVI? [closed]

I'd like to get cumulative mean value from a multiband image (4 bands). How can I do it in ArcGIS, ERDAS and ENVI?
Bandrush Barda's user avatar
-4 votes
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Download image files from wms service [closed]

I'm having trouble getting (georf'ed or not) images from here:
Savvas's user avatar
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