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Shifting cloud mask in Erdas/ArcMap/Py Script [closed]

I have the task to mask out cloud cover in approximately 20 landsat 8 scenes. Creating the cloud mask for the "white part" is easy, but I need help in addressing the clouds shadow. General ...
Jens Hiestermann's user avatar
2 votes
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Possible to use same signature file to classify images from different years? [closed]

I have Landsat images for the same area over 20 years (one photo per year in same season). I would like to detect changes occured in forested area like clear-cut and bark beetle outbreak over time. I ...
maycca's user avatar
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Using Mosaicking Images in Erdas software [closed]

Do you know any dissertation which has written about Mosaic briefly? I did the Mosaic for my Landsat images and I want to explain and write about it.
bnar's user avatar
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