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Questions tagged [flow-direction]

In hydrological modelling, flow direction shows the side the flow goes towards. Flow direction is used in spatial analysis to generate a drainage network by generating flow accumulation.

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7 votes
2 answers

Compute flow accumulation only from flow direction?

I am looking to calculate flow accumulation from a flow direction raster. In ArcGIS there is Flow Accumulation (
Guido A. Herrera's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Flow Direction Raster Value Range

I am interested to know why ‘Flow Direction Raster’, derived from ‘Filled DEM’, generates values ranges from 1-128, with pixel depth of 8 bit unsigned integer which is readily capable to store values ...
Dave's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Flow direction generated for river is incorrect

I am trying to generate a hydrologic model and I can not really proceed on the next processes. I have this problem on generating flow direction. I have already executed fill sinks and the next is flow ...
vklopt's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Understanding ArcGIS Flow Direction pixel values?

The range of values in my flow direction raster is 1-129. D8 method was used. I would expect 128 to be the largest value in accordance with the documentation what's more I show values OTHER THAN 1,...
Zipper1365's user avatar
0 votes
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Create a flow vector NetCDF from X and Y velocity components

I want to create a flow vector NetCDF data from two .tif raster, one representing X-velocity and another representing Y-velocity component. Both raster groups have identical spatial extent. I have ...
Brian's user avatar
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