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Building a Mosaic Dataset with rasters that are not georeferenced. Whats the workflow?

I have 68 aerial jpegs that I would like to use in a Mosaic Dataset. They have not been georeferenced. My question is in regards to whether I should georeference them and then rectify and save them in ...
Nicholaus Mueller's user avatar
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Georeferencing and mosaicking jpeg images using ArcMap with unknown spatial reference?

I have a series of large scale (almost 1:1), aerial jpeg images taken from a UAV DJI-FC350 drone camera. They have no spatial reference, but the images have their own GPS tags giving a single lat, lon ...
Alex's user avatar
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Georeferencing Mosaic in ArcGIS Desktop?

I have a problem in my thesis, i georeference a lot of photos and after that i create a mosaic. But now, i know the ortho is shifting 5 meters. Is possible to shift the mosaic without creating ...
Gustavo Vieira's user avatar
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Creating a raster mosaic from multiple un-referenced jpegs

I have multiple historical aerial photographs that I would like to use to compare coastal change over time in relation to urban development. The aerials I have obtained come in tiles that are not ...
mvfazio87's user avatar