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Georeferencing Polygon Features using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro to perform an image classification. To do this I need training data polygons derived from the image which is being classified. I created training data polygons outlining features ...
Matt Dupasquier's user avatar
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Removing georeferencing from DEM using ArcGIS Pro

I am creating an assignment for students to demonstrate different visualizations of LiDAR-derived DEMs. However, because the DEM is currently unpublished and contains archaeological features, I want ...
mssnyder's user avatar
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Georeferencing set of historical maps to each other then georeferencing set to current map using ArcGIS Pro

I have a set of 10 hand-drawn maps from the 1930's that all appear to have the same carbon-copied basemap (the streets and shorelines look identical). They were scanned from Arch D size linen paper so ...
conradc_chs's user avatar
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Cropping borders from images without invalidating georeferencing using ArcGIS Pro

I am using ArcGIS Pro2.4. I have a large collection of georeferenced historical aerials. They all have borders of varying dimensions and varying shades of grey. These borders have to go somehow. I'...
Alpheus's user avatar
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How is GeoTIFF geographically referenced if it has no sidecar files?

I am currently downloading MODIS burned area fire products to use for a work project. One of these products is a GeoTIFF which indicates the day (Julian date) of the year when an area experienced fire....
apierce6's user avatar
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Correcting offset between LiDAR datasets

I am analyzing multiple LiDAR datasets looking at the changes between pre-wildfire and post-wildfire topography. The datatsets are of the same general location. I did not acquire the datasets on my ...
JamesS's user avatar
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