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Grouping points within counties and symbolizing their data as pie charts in QGIS

I need to combine/categorize points within different polygons while retaining some of their values. I've made up a scenario to try and simplify my problem. The layers I have to work with are: a point ...
Inga's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Calculating mean with group by based on another column in QGIS Field Calculator

I have daily temperature data for several cities from January to December. I'd like to calculate the average temperature per month for each city in a new column. I have a column "city", &...
GisUser's user avatar
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Group by multiple columns in QGIS array

I'm looking to create a figure with multiple rule-based symbologies. A graduated range within a category within a main category. The only way I think that's possible is by adding categories, ranges to ...
envsci_melb's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Filling attributes in one field based on second field with same values in QGIS

How do I fill the attribute with "SID_2" of the captured image where the ID of "SID_1" is NULL? I'm using QGIS 3.22
Don's user avatar
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Summarizing fields with same ID in QGIS Field Calculator

I am looking for a command, that sums the value of the field "Baulast" if they have the same "ogc_fid" and if there is a Number in the field "WEA". If there is no number ...
lesto's user avatar
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3 answers

Counting and merging features based on attribute field in QGIS

I have a shapefile with a number of features, each with a field called "region". I want to count the number of features corresponding to each region. Outputting a shapefile with one feature ...
Stuey17's user avatar
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6 votes
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Counting fire occurences per county per year using QGIS

I wish to loop through this shapefile, and for each "COUNTY_NM", count the number of values corresponding to each "layer" value. I want to output a CSV or equivalent which would be ...
Stuey17's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Adding unique ID for groups of items using Field calculator in QGIS

I have a set of string values in a shapefile's attribute column and want to assign a number to them in a way that each unique string gets an integer number, like this: How do I do this using the ...
Elise's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Calculating Convex Hull based on attributes in QGIS

I have a layer with lots of (spatially grouped) lines - lines belonging to a group share the same value in a field. I would like to create convex hulls around each of these groups using QGIS 3.8. I ...
roland's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How can QGIS 3.X create atlas by a group field?

I have a line layer with 8 features and a field TYPE (5 features is type_A and 5 features is type_B). I want to create a atlas which output is two single image (one is grouped by typ_A with 5 features,...
Zhipeng Zheng's user avatar
3 votes
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Grouping neighbor points based on field sum in QGIS

I have about 14,000 points. These points have a specific field "time", an integer value, mainly between 1, 2 or 3. I would like to split these 14,000 points into groups based on the "time" field ...
Petey's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

How to group by attributes and give unique categories in QGIS?

I have features and each of them has an attribute about what it is. In my case, I have points representing trees and each tree has its species name as an attribute. I would like to group them by ...
Skye's user avatar
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How to get sum / total length of lines per polygon in QGIS?

I have a line vector layer which has multiple segments within individual polygons in a separate polygon layer. I have spatially joined the attributes so that each line segment now has the same ID as ...
Ian's user avatar
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Group attribute tables values for use with conditionals - Python

I would like to group values in a field in an attribute table. The field contains duplicate values. These duplicate values should be grouped based on duplicate values, the field would look something ...
standard's user avatar
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