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Combine features into new category

Within a vector layer I have dissolved 25k polygons into 43 different categories of land ownership (Ld_Use_Des). But now I want to further ''group'' them. For example I want to select Mineral Rights ...
N_LLC's user avatar
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Merge n number of adjacent polygons [closed]

I have over 17,000 individual polygons. I want to merge two adjacent polygons so that I finish with approximately 8,500 polygons. The polygons need to be merged based on location, merge two adjacent ...
GISWIZ's user avatar
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How to merge two point feature classes based on spatial location using ArcPy?

I have two point feature classes, each containing about fifty points. These 2 point feature classes should be merged, or the points of feature class 2 added to feature class 1, as feature class 2 does ...
the_chimp's user avatar
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Dissolve without removing interior lines in ArcMap? [duplicate]

I'm fairly new to GIS and I'm having an issue that I hope someone can help me resolve? Basically, what I'm trying to do is merge features based on a single attribute so that my table no longer ...
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