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Questions tagged [homolosine]

Questions related to Goode's Homolosine projection (+proj=igh).

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Soilgrids points outside of projection domain

I have downloaded a global soilgrid tif from ISRIC ( and when I import this in R with terra::rast(filename) (and similarly with ...
A. Bollans's user avatar
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Why is PROJ not figuring out a CRS?

I am trying to use gdal_translate to convert a WCS source to a tif target. I am trying to achieve this using a WCS XML service description file. The gdal_translate call looks like this "C:\...
Andrei's user avatar
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Google Earth Engine Reprojection to Interrupted Goode Homolosine

There was a great answer to Google Earth Engine Reprojection to non-EPSG defined CRS about the support of Interrupted Goode Homolosine projection in GEE. It seems that since release 22.3 the ...
laura_poggio's user avatar
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Remaining gaps in SoilGrids250m v2

I am following up on Handling data gap in new SoilGrids datasets which is a similar question about a previous version of SoilGrids250m v2. There still appears to be gaps in northeastern Russia in the ...
messamat's user avatar
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How to calculate the area of each WRB soil class with the 2017 TAXNWRB_250m raster?

For my research I want to calculate the total area of each WRB soil class on each continent in km2 using the 250m WRB soilgrids raster. However, the total area I calculated is almost 1.3 times as ...
Emma's user avatar
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Using a projection other than Mercator with proj4js 2.5 and OpenLayers 5.3

I am following the OpenLayers FAQ regarding the use of coordinate systems that do not rely on the infamous Mercator projection. I thus produced a very small HTML with a simple example that could be ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
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Name of a custom Goode homolosine projection

What is the specific name of this homolosine projection? I see that America is closer to Europe/Africa than in the typical homolosine.
andrej's user avatar
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gdal_translate errors with VRT: GetBlockRef failed and IReadBlock failed

I am projecting global rasters with the Homolosine. gdalwarp reprojects it nicely, but it does not compress the output, that must be done afterwards with gdal_translate. To reduce computation time, I ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
2 votes
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Homolosine projection with GeoTools

I would like to use Goode's Homolosine projection with GeoTools. This projection is fully supported by both PROJ and GDAL. However, when I try to create a CoordinateReferenceSystem object with this ...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
4 votes
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MapServer: using a CRS for which there is no EPSG code

I am developing a MapServer map file for a map created with Goode's Homolosine projection. The PROJ string is rather simple: +proj=igh +lat_0=0 +lon_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs The IOGP (...
Luís de Sousa's user avatar
8 votes
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Google Earth Engine Reprojection to non-EPSG defined CRS

Is it possible to reproject an image in earth engine to non-EPSG defined coordinates? In particular either Goode Homosline (SR-ORG:7619) or Mollweide (ESRI:54009). Passing either to .reproject() ...
scabecks's user avatar
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ArcGIS: Goode Homolosine Projection and Inconsistent Extents

I recently posted about a problem in ArcGIS using the Goode Homolosine (Land) projection with the Project Raster tool HERE. The problem was related to a bug with that tool, and a workaround solution ...
acd's user avatar
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Projected raster data has inconsistent extent but not shapefile

I want to calculate the average value of a raster file within each polygon boundary of my shapefile. Because I want to preserve area I wish to use the Goode Homolosine (Land) projection. The original ...
acd's user avatar
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MODIS-Sphere to WGS84 coordinate system in ArcGIS [duplicate]

I want to overlay two global raster datasets on land use which use different coordinate systems (MODIS-Sphere & WGS84) using ArcGIS Desktop. There seems to be no direct transformation option from ...
Chris Bren's user avatar
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Working with Interrupted Goode Homolosine data

I'm trying to use Global Land Cover Characterization data from the USGS: It is in the Interrupted Goode Homolosine projection. As I am working ...
Oliver Burdekin's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to use the Goode Homolosine projection in QGIS?

Is it possible to use the Goode Homolosine projection in QGIS? Both QGIS and GRASS seem to have trouble with the interruptions, squashing the higher latitudes together. I tried +proj=goode +ellps=...
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