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Converting a QGIS project to a PBF file

I have a QGIS project with 3 layers: OpenStreetMap layer Polygon representing a specified area on the map Lines representing streets in that area on the map How do I convert this project to an ...
Hoda's user avatar
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Creating automatically shortest way network between given point objects via OSM roads (without overlaying line objects) in QGIS

I am trying to automatically generate a grid between point objects (buildings). The grid should be automatically laid over public roads. So far I use the QGIS Processing Tool "Shortest way (...
Daniel's user avatar
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Extracting street space polygons from a pedestrian network with separate sidewalk geometries using QGIS/PyQGIS

I have a network of sidewalk geometries including crossings extracted from OpenStreetMap (OSM; here: a part of Neukölln district in Berlin, Germany) using overpass turbo (as of today, some gaps still ...
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Forcing driving direction using edited OSM shapefile and pgRouting

I need to edit a shapefile from OSM in QGIS. I want to use pgRouting to find a route, where it uses a forced driving direction. The algorithm may use the same edge however to calculate the route ...
Maas's user avatar
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