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Road topology problem solution for junction

I am working with a Road Network. I have digitized the lines with AutoCAD Map 3D. Then Imported it to ArcMap. After entering all kind of database I have created Routing Dataset. Unfortunately it's ...
Devils Dream's user avatar
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How to populate From Node and To Node fields for a polyline feature class? (ArcGIS 10)

I need to populate FNODE and TNODE fields for my roads dataset. I have an intersections point feature class that has unique ids, and I need each road segment to have an FNODE and TNODE value that ...
Tanner's user avatar
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ArcView: Trim polyline, that is shorter than specific dangle length (alternative to tool: Trim Line)?

I am looking for a way to trim dangles from a polyline shape, that are shorter than a specific length like the Trim Line Tool for ArcEditor and ArcInfo, but with ArcView-License. I already discover, ...
KalleBlomquist's user avatar