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1 vote
1 answer

How to get pgrouting source and target value using openlayers 2/3?

Is there anyone can teach me how to get the pgrouting's source and target parameters in openlayers 2/3? I plan to get those parameters by click the OSM map layer. Currently, I can only get the lonlat ...
4 votes
4 answers

Building a graph from OSM?

I spent days looking in all questions here and trying tutorials. I need to build a graph for a region (It will be my input in simulation) I downloaded Postgresql and Postgis and osm2pgsql. Now i can ...
0 votes
1 answer

Finding routes from set of points using PostGIS? [closed]

I have lines table (postgis enabled database) representing the streets. I have collected few gps points along a route and I would like to match it with the streets in order. Scenario - I am jogging ...
1 vote
1 answer

pgrouting with oneway

I have a road network data where roads(edges) are specified with 3 values to identify the category of road(one way). Road with value 0 can be routed in both direction. Road with value 1 can be ...
2 votes
1 answer

Routing Application in Windows

I am making an routing web application similar to Google Maps Get Direction feature. But because of the limited control and data on Google Maps, I decided to use OpenStreetMap instead. This also made ...
1 vote
1 answer

Shortest path postgis query with in a bounding box

I have been following this article to find shortest path in vector data. I can already find shortest path between 2 OSM nodes using Dijkstra algorithm in pgrouting. My working query is as below: ...
11 votes
2 answers

How to convert OSM Data to PostgreSQL for Routing Purposes?

I'm creating a routing application using OpenStreetMap. Currently, my task is to convert the data from an OSM file to PostgreSQL. I read about osm2pgsql, but the problem is it says there that ...
2 votes
1 answer

Converting a JOSM indoor map to QGIS

I have created an OpenStreeMap layer of the indoor of a bulding by following this tutorial:, since that is only a proposed tagging schema for indoor ...
3 votes
3 answers

How do I apply Dijkstra's algorithm in Python with PostGIS data?

I have currently parsed OSM data, from a PBF file, into a pgRouting database with the use of osm2po, an excellent parsing tool. I don't however want to use the algorithms provided by pgRouting and ...
3 votes
3 answers

How can I get a road network to run a simulation on?

I'm new to GIS and I'm asking this a bit out of desperation, but I'm trying my best not to get overwhelmed. :) I want to download a file that contains data of a road network (of what road network is ...
5 votes
2 answers

Geoserver Routing with OSM data and PostGIS

Does Geoserver have a routing functionality for the OSM data in PostGIS?