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pgRouting ways table attributes description

I've imported an extract of OSM data for my region of interest to Postgresql using osm2pgrouting 2.3.6 in Linux, using mapconfig_for_cars.xml configuration file, and I've found that it created tables ...
stefan0n's user avatar
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osm2pgrouting creates erroneous roads

osm2pgrouting works without giving any errors but most of the roads have lost their geometry. Result is ; What I've done so far; OSM Data downloaded from in pbf ...
Capan's user avatar
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pgrouting OSM data with tolls

Is there any way to import the OSM data into pgRouting with the toll data? I already have a database with OSM data with topology, and working with pgRouting, but I need to add some nodes to it. I ...
Pablo Pardo's user avatar
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Given an array of OSM point IDs, how can I create a path of connected roads?

I'm writing a shortest route script in Python using geospatial data from a Postgres DB with PostGIS extension and pgRouting to make the points from OSM data. I have a path of OSM IDs by points. I ...
Carson's user avatar
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Weird (longer) route from using cost_s as cost in pgRouting?

I am currently developing application that want to use the fastest time to arrive as parameter for the routing. And i know that pgRouting has 'cost_s' column which calculated from length_m and ...
Ridho perdana's user avatar
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Routing for specific subjects (cars, pedestrians, ..) dynamically

I need create app which will be provide routing for specific category. For example only for cars, only for bikes or only for pedestrians. For importing OSM data I'll used default mapconfig for all way ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
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How can I get the length of segments from the output of pgr_dijkstra?

I created a topology from OSM data with osm2pgrouting. I use a very simple Query SELECT * FROM pgr_dijkstra(' SELECT gid AS id, source, target, cost_s AS cost, ...
four-eyes's user avatar
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pgRouting from geocoded user input

have created database by tool osm2pgrouting. On my website can user enter start and end point. How can I find ids of nodes? Because I have only text value of nodes which enter user, but tables ...
Aligator's user avatar
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Exported OSM database do not contains node names

I've used osm2pgrouting tool to export data from osm file to my postgresql database. Now I have database with this schema: osm_node: -node_id -osm_id -lon -lat -numofuse -the_geom ...
Nikolas Alg's user avatar
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How to quick-fix drive time in residential area with Osm2PgRouting?

I'm currently testing pgRouting using OpenStreempMap XML dataset loaded via Osm2PgRouting. My goal is to solve shortest path problems using time driven costs instead of path length. I noticed that ...
MarHoff's user avatar
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Incomplete data - lines missing from osm2pgrouting

I am importing OSM data into PostGIS using osm2pgrouting but some data is missing/did not import. I am using the default mapconfig.xml and this appears to work for most roads. For example in below ...
mtleung's user avatar
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How to update the OSM data in a PGRouting Database built with osm2pgrouting?

I'm using a PGRouting database originally built with osm2pgrouting from a *.osm file downloaded from Mapzen. If I want to update the OSM data in that database, ie. re-build my PGRouting Database, ...
Inactivated Account's user avatar
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Error while make Build osm2pgrouting on openSUSE 13.2

i am getting the error while make /usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.8/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lpq collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status make[2]: *** [osm2pgrouting] ...
chiranjeevigk's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Keeping up to date with OSM changes in pgRouting

I'm working on a routing application using OSM and pgRouting. I'm only interested in a subset of data, mostly North America (performance was difficult for large amounts of data, so don't want to use ...
widesGIS's user avatar
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Handling relations with osm2pgrouting?

I'm trying to create a topology of the public transport in Paris. I use a OSM export, osm2pgrouting with the correspondent mapconfig.xml and Postgis. Everything works fine, except one thing. In Paris,...
Xavier's user avatar
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can I add additional data to an existing pgrouting postgis database using osm2pgrouting?

This is just a simple question but I could not find the information in the documentation. If I have an existing pgrouting database table named routing, can I add additional OpenStreetMap data to this ...
krishnab's user avatar
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From pgRouting shortest_path back to osm node id

I'm successfully performing path finding queries like shortest_path on data imported with osm2pgrouting. The tables I have inside my pgrouting DB are the following: List of relations ...
Heisenbug's user avatar
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Why is osm2pgrouting not importing?

I installed pgrouting successfully and did a little import with a 20Mb file. Works good! Now I'm trying to import a file with the size of a country and it doesn't even start to import. The last 2 ...
Styp's user avatar
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Temporary additions to OSM data

I'm planning on building a transportation related GIS App. In the app, users will be allowed to add their own links to the network. For example, let's say a user wants to add a "driveway" in front of ...
dassouki's user avatar
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