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How to model multiple topology classes in one query with ArcGIS

We have a lot of geographic data with different geometry type in our application, which are persisted in the Oracle 11g database with ST_Geometry supported by Arcgis SDE 10. The features can be ...
giser's user avatar
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Connecting Oracle Linux database to AcGIS 10 on windows PC

I am wondering if anyone has tried to connect from ArcGIS 10, to an oracle database stored on a Linux server? I have no problems connecting to oracle from Arc when the data is stored on a windows box, ...
Dean's user avatar
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Failed to connect to the specified server, ArcGIS 10.1 connection using Oracle 11 g

I am trying to connect an Oracle 11g database to ArcGIS 10, but it's not working and gives the following error: "Failed to connect to the specified server. Operation Failed." While I am sure about ...
Seem's user avatar
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Are there any known issues with using database triggers for reacting to a WMX Job status change?

I'm looking to notify another system when a WMX job (of particular job type) has been closed. And I know this will be a call to an Oracle package. I'm considering a database trigger because it seems ...
Jay Cummins's user avatar
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ArcMap Query Layer passing invalid SQL to Oracle

In two different environments I'm having trouble using ArcMap 10.0 SP3 Query Layers to view SDO_GEOMETRY (point) data in Oracle 11.2 (11gR2). Points are in Oracle stored under SDO_GEOMETRY, 2001 type (...
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