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PostgreSQL query not working in QGIS Graphical Modeler

Edit: For further context, my table does have a unique id in the form of an integer. Through the database manager, the query executes successfully and I am able to load the query layer into QGIS. This ...
aidena's user avatar
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Use spatial query to load WFS data into QGIS

I tried to load a WFS into my QGIS project but the number and complexity of the polygon features are to high to handle for QGIS so that it throws an error. So I tried to add a spatial query to the ...
Felix's user avatar
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How to build a GET request from a CSW POST request

For accessing some data in a GeoNetwork metadata catalogue using CSW, I would need the URL for a GET request that would include also a geospatial filter (bounding box) and a time of interest (start ...
TelcoGIS's user avatar
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ArcGIS JavaScript 3.3 add ArcGIS REST API Queried Feature Layer URL as Layer

Using the Query Generator on an ArcGIS REST Feature Layer, I generated a URL that filters the data by a geometry extent ({xmin: -104, ymin: 35.6, xmax: -94.32, ymax: 41}) This returns Current River ...
Just_African_Developer's user avatar
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Constructing query to return values from all polygons that line passes through using SpatiaLite? [closed]

I want an SQL query in Spatialite to return a list of values (Primary Key in this case, but could be any value) from all the polygons which are crossed by a line. Say, for example, a footpath passes ...
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Attribute Values not showing when running a query

The attribute values are not displayed for the 'Model Number' field when running a query yet the attributes are stored in the attribute table(When I say all unique, nothing comes up)!!
L.Camille's user avatar
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Saving borough boundaries as MultiLineStrings or MultiPolygons?

I am creating a database in PostGIS and I have a column that will save the boundaries of boroughs. The app will later query the database, asking what points, lines or polygons are inside those ...
slevin's user avatar
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How to build a query/expression to select specific points within a buffer? (in QGIS)

I have a point layer in QGIS. Each point represents a tree and each tree has information about its height as an attribute. I would like to build a query/expression to select all those trees that have ...
Skye's user avatar
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Query across layers of SHP files?

I would like to query features from a SHP vector that intersect with features from another vector. Pseudocode: "Name" IS intersects( countries) How would be the valid query composed?
DaCoEx's user avatar
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SQL and ArcGIS data querying: what's the difference?

I am wondering if the language used by ArcGIS for data querying (e.g., search by attribute) is part of the SQL language, or to what extent there is a connection between the two (and where does it come ...
NewAtGis's user avatar
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Running spatial query on huge table [duplicate]

I've got two tables conatining geometry: 1 containing big polygon's (regions, srid=4326) and another containing smaller polygon's (pand, srid=28992, containg ~9.9milion rows) By using one of the big ...
stUrb's user avatar
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Find start of river

Edit: Follow-up question here (= Find headwater polygons). How can I determine the start of a river in PostGIS? I have a river network (Multiline) and want to find the startpoints of the rivers. I ...
EDi's user avatar
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How do you create a query that will result with the adjacent parcels?

I have a shapefile with parcel data, and I am trying to create a query that will render a list or something similar that will list adjacent parcels to a specific parcel. I want to be able to select ...
Matt's user avatar
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Problem PostGIS Spatial Query ST_Contains ST_Disjoint ST_Intersects

I'm working on a project with two different tables inside a database. One contains points in a column geometry(Point,4326) type and the second one has a column geometry(MultiPolygon,4326). Now I would ...
user29780's user avatar
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Running loop in query in PostGIS

I am new to PostGIS. I have a table of buildings each having a value for number of people living in it. I would like to calculate the total value (sum of number of people) in all buildings which ...
Catlover's user avatar
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Find area with highest relative density of one type of object

I'm using PostgreSQL/PostGIS and I have an advanced type of query. My database contains two types of object - let's say pubs and churches :) Is there a way that I can find the area with the densest ...
flossfan's user avatar
4 votes
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Postgis, get the points that are x meters near another point, in meters

I'm trying to find the points within a certain distance, in meters, from another point. I'm using the function ST_Buffer, but I don't get how to express the distance in meters. I'm trying with ...
opensas's user avatar
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