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What are correct options for converting from state plane nad83 zone NNNN to lat lon in proj4/cs2cs?

I need to build a command line batch converter to read in data from a file that includes coordinates in state plane x,y in feet, the coordinate system used and the zone. For example: cs: nad83 ...
Streamline's user avatar
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Transform lat long to state plane coordinates

I am trying to convert a set of lat long to state plane coordinates using python and pyproj. The location is Tennessee and this gave me information about the central meridian, lat origin and the proj ...
statBeginner's user avatar
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1 answer

Lat Long to State Plane conversion

I am using the ESRI javascript API and I have a set of lat/long points I need to convert to a state plane coordinate system. My spatial reference is wkid 3418. I can easily use the GeometryService ...
jimSampica's user avatar