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Use when the version you are using of the OpenLayers JavaScript client toolkit is 3 or later

1 vote
1 answer

Openlayers 3 - how to override handleUpEvent in PinchZoom interaction?

In Openlayers 3 I've been unable to get my attempts at overriding the ol.interation.PinchZoom's handleUpEvent to work. …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

OpenLayers 'wrapX' not working on ol.source.XYZ() source

I recently posted a question about a WMTS layer not appearing in my OpenLayers map, and the resolution turned out to be that I needed to add the 'wrapX' option (or otherwise to pan all the way around the … Full JS code Using OpenLayers 6.5.1 is below: function newLayerTileGrid(urlTemplate, tileGridJSON, projCode, projString) { var tileGrid = new ol.tilegrid.TileGrid( JSON.parse( …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

OpenLayers won't display polygon (or line) with zero size

Using OpenLayers 6, my app will not display anything for a Polygon (or line) where all the vertices have the same coordinates. …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to get map units to find current scale in OpenLayers?

I need my OpenLayers application to be able to determine the current scale. This is not for display (there is already the scale line for that). … How can I get the current map unit from OpenLayers? Or can I get it from proj4.js for the current projection? (and if so, is that the same thing?) …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers prevent DragPan from bottom of screen

My OpenLayers app runs on iPhones in full-screen. … In my OpenLayers app, this gesture is also recognised simultaneously by OpenLayers as a DragPan interaction. …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

OpenLayers why are there no features when converting non-zero Selected features to JSON

Using OpenLayers with a Select interaction to select features, I'm attempting to convert the selected features to JSON for further processing within the select.on('select', ...) as per the code below. …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers Source - how to get Attributions

Using OpenLayers 0.6.5, I want to be able to copy the attributions from one source, and set the same value for the attributions of another source. …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers fullTileRanges of tileGrid no longer easily available in 6.13

Getting the details of a tileGrid was working fine in OpenLayers 6.5, but I've just upgraded to OpenLayers 6.13 and now the tileGrid keys are no longer available in plain English. … Instead there are only the coded keys (which presumably change with each build of OpenLayers. …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers line labels with 'line' placement not working

Using OpenLayers 6.13.0, I'm attempting to get my lines layer to have labels that follow the line (ie, parallel to the line, and bending with the line) as per the example at: …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why does setting extent in OpenLayers end up with an adjusted extent?

If I run the following code in OpenLayers 3... …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

OpenLayers 'Canvas area exceeds the maximum limit' error in WKWebView

I'm using OpenLayers 6.13 in an iOS app. The app also runs on macOS (Mac Catalyst). The OpenLayers component runs in a WKWebView (essentially a Safari-esque web browser view, embedded in the app). … How can this error be avoided in larger windows with OpenLayers? …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers WMTS function no longer working - No error messages

WMTS layers have been rendering in OpenLayers 6.5.1 flawlessly in from my code for some time now, but it has recently stopped working. … I can't actually think of anything that I've recently changed in the OpenLayers part of the app, so I've cut it down to a simple OpenLayers-only HMTL+JavaScript and it is still not rendering a WMTS layer …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers custom tileGrid for scanned map image - How to calculate resolutions?

I'm using OpenLayers 3 and attempting to display a layer based on a custom tile grid in a custom projection (EPSG:4202) on a standard projection map (EPSG:3785). … This also implied by the insane number of tiles that OpenLayers wants to fetch (and when zoomed out, the OpenLayers error that appears in the JavaScript console when zoomed out that says: Assertion Failed …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

OpenLayers and proj4js.defs() - why does one custom projection work and not the other?

It is based on OpenLayers example code, but I've defined the map projection using proj4js. … From the OpenLayers API documentation at : [OpenLayers] will check if the Proj4js library and the necessary definition are loaded; if so, it will …
Son of a Beach's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Openlayers HiDPI/Retina Screen with standard resolution raster tiles?

My Openlayers application can display tiled rasters from arbitrary online sources. … Is there some way to get Openlayers to display these standard resolution tiles at double the resolution (or x1.3 or x3 or whatever the screen scale is)? …
Son of a Beach's user avatar

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