Postgis exact geometry from text
As of PostGIS 2.5, the geometry and geography types only support storage of double-precision floating point values. Any coordinates that you input to PostGIS are converted to the geometry type, and ...
PostGIS sfcgal ST_3DArea
The vertices given in 2) cannot be elements of the same 2-dimensional plane; i.e. vertex (0 1 1) cannot be contained in the plane defined by the other vertices. Simple POLYGON geometries (or faces), ...
3D centroid in PostGIS
I'm also posting here what I have found so far as an answer to keep things clearly separated.
So this is my current workaround, maybe other (future) people could have better/faster/more robust ...
error while running CGAl pacakge examples
I think you mix two different versions of CGAL (perhaps one installed in your system with a package manager, and a local one installed from CGAL repository) ?
If this is the case, I suggest you to ...
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