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This tag refers to the R package terra. For questions about NASA's Terra satellite, use the tags of its sensors like aster or modis.

Terra is a spatial data handling package for the R programming language, released in March 2020. The package was created by Robert J. Hijmans and his colleagues Bivand, Forner Ooms and Pebesma, and can manipulate both raster and vector (points, lines, and polygons) data.

{terra} was built to enable higher computational speed while maintaining simplicity in its commands, and is, therefore, meant to replace the popular {raster} package, the former standard dependency for raster analysis in R.

In {terra}, SpatRaster is the class used for reading, manipulating, and conversion of raster data, like satellite imagery, while SpatVector is the class used for reading and analyzing vector data. To combine multiple vectors or rasters in one variable, collections can be used which are intuitively called SpatRasterCollection and SpatVectorCollection.

{terra} can be mastered by studying the documentation or the help guide.