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Andreas Müller's user avatar
Andreas Müller
  • Member for 9 years, 10 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

AttributeError when getting selected layers with PyQGIS

10 votes

Importing paths for QGIS 3 standalone scripts

8 votes

Deleting all custom CRS from QGIS

7 votes

How to write a multi geometries .geojson file with Shapely/Fiona?

7 votes

Get the length of all lines in Python QGIS?

6 votes

Moving a geometry using PyQGIS3

6 votes

Convert longitude/latitude to pixels on the map

5 votes

Load PostGIS layer/table to QGIS canvas using Python

5 votes

Python Error using MMQGIS, global name 'math' not defined

5 votes

Updating layer extent after changing source in PyQGIS?

5 votes

QGIS plugin development and libraries

5 votes

Error when using input() pyqgis (RuntimeError: input(): lost sys.stdin) QGIS 3

4 votes

Is there a way to add a Geopackage in QGIS 2.18.20 like QGIS 3?

4 votes

Problem running PyQt code in Qgis3

4 votes

Adding QGIS-specific Python interpreter to PyCharm on Windows?

4 votes

Find point on line with given nearest point

3 votes

Error in response to "import arcpy" - RuntimeError: NotInitialized

3 votes

Generating STL (3D) file from raster ASTER GDEM data?

3 votes

Strange results with Voronoi polygons in QGIS

3 votes

Changing QGIS Python Plugin Directory

3 votes

QGIS, creating layer from PostGIS : add a style

3 votes

Creating forms in QGIS

3 votes

Checking if vertices of polygon are in clockwise or anti-clockwise direction in QGIS?

3 votes

Converting QgsRaster object to array

2 votes

cannot find py3_env.bat in OSGeo4W installation

2 votes

Scaling down lat/lon polygon?

2 votes

Creating standalone python Script using PyQGIS?

2 votes

No module named 'arcgis' for import GIS

2 votes

Adding LWGEOM to QGIS 3 Processing Toolbox

2 votes

What is the relationship between layer attributes and fields in QGIS