I mainly use the QGis Master (nightly build) for my Debian Linux and I'm quite happy with it. But for educational and demonstration purposes, I now have to work with the Stable(1.8) version.
How can I run a stable QGis 1.8 version in a way that it won't interfere with my other QGis build? The ideal solution will be to run everything just from a folder. This is possible for Windows (QGis on a Stick), but I haven't found any way to do this on Linux systems. I don't want to use any live-distributions or whole Operating Systems.
I tried to compile QGis stable as shown here, but if I try to run it crashes saying:
Warning: !!! prefix path was requested, but it is not valid - we do not run from installed path !!!
Segmentation Fault
Most likely it tries to read the configuration files from my .qgis config folder in the home-directory and fails because it can't work with the 1.9dev configurations and prefixes.
How can I work around this?