I have a problem with creating Thiessen polygons for a set of points. I am creating them with Create Thiessen Polygons tool in ArcGIS 10.1). I am able to create them in a few steps (for parts of the data) but I would like to create it at once.
The error I get is:
ERROR 000537 error in converting points to Voronoi Polygons
It doesn't say much, when click at the error in arcgis help I found this message:
Description A TIN surface is created from input points and is used to generate the output Thiessen (Voronoi) polygons.
Solution Check the input point features and make sure that features exist in this particular feature class. As well, make sure that if the extent environment is set, the input point features do not fall outside their coordinate range.
But if it works "partially", where the problem may be?