I'm working on a geological project on the past position of continents (in ArcMap 10 Service Pack 5, build 4400). The tool I'm creating in Model Builder uses Create Thiessen Polygons and all input data are in Winkel-Tripel projection. The Create Thiessen Polygons tool however creates polygons that fall outside of the extent of the projection (see image), also when I specify the desired extent in the parameters of the CTP tool.
The result is that the Thiessen polygons (i.e. the shapefile) cannot be used by any other tools later on, because
the added layer has an extent that is not consistent with the associated spatial reference information
I've already tried clipping the Thiessen polygons shapefile, but not even that works (the Clip tool does not accept the Thiessen polygons as input, because of the inconsistent spatial reference).
Any suggestions on how to deal with this?