The ArcGIS JavaScript API, will allow the map center to be like you show but to use an extent, you need to do it a little differently. Here's how you can set a custom extent:
First ensure that the esri Extent module is included at the top of your config/viewer
file. If you are using the demo configuration that comes with CMV, then it is already there. If not, you will need to add it. The first few lines will look something like this:
], function(units, Extent, esriConfig, GeometryService, ImageParameters) {
then the extent
for your mapOptions would look something like this:
extent: new Extent({
xmin: -106.5918,
ymin: 28.0959,
xmax: -86.5918,
ymax: 48.0959,
spatialReference: {
wkid: 4326
The extent above is around the center of the CMV demo map at the same zoom level as the demo. The coordinates and the spatialReference wkid you use in the extent would be different depending on the basemap (ArcGIS Online or a MapService from an ArcGIS Server) you use.