I want to remove duplicate points.
I'm using ArcMap 10.2.2.
the problem is as follows:
I have 8 layers of restaurants
I made a junction of the 7 layers in one shapefile
Now I have a layer of 3000 restaurants, the problem is that there are now restaurants duplicates
I need to have a unified Shp with its comprehensive information without duplicates
I thought:
to remove duplicates I'm trying to make a buffer
impunt = restaurant
distance = 100 yards (because usually a restaurant name "A" should not be dry for another restaurant name "A"
dissolve Type = ALL (to make me one polygon in those restantantes name "A" and so to make the search easier estaurants duplicate
now want the attribute tables I pull buffer polygon registration, as this returns me only one record for all polygons
Can you tell me if usdes as having achieved record by exite polygon or other tool to search I am duplicate?