Still struggling with this script. Now I need to create an arpy.AddMessage that says "Projected: with the list of feature classes that were projected in the loop"
i.e. Projected: filename, filename, filename etc.
I've been at this for 3 days and know I am missing something stupid. Any help would be appreciated. Here is my code again:
# Get the spatial reference of the Feature Class from folder A
# Examine all Feature Classes in folder B and report if their
# spatial references match the Feature Class in folder A
import arcpy
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
#set up the paths
#targetFC = r"C:\MGIS\geog485\Lesson2\Lesson2\CountyLines.shp"
#folderToExamine = r"C:\MGIS\geog485\Lesson2\Lesson2"
targetFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
#print "target FC path is "+targetFC
folderToExamine = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
#print "folder to examine"+folderToExamine
#get spatial reference for the target feature class
targetDescribe = arcpy.Describe(targetFC)
#print targetDescribe
targetSR = targetDescribe.SpatialReference
#print targetSR
targetSRName = targetSR.Name
#print "Target feature class is "+targetSRName
# Get a list of my feature classes
arcpy.env.workspace = folderToExamine
listOfFCs = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
#print listOfFCs
#Loop through the list of FCs
for currentFC in listOfFCs:
#print currentFC
#Read the spatial reference of the current one
currentFCDescribe = arcpy.Describe(currentFC)
currentFCSR = currentFCDescribe.SpatialReference
currentFCSRName = currentFCSR.Name
#print currentFCSRName
if currentFCSRName != targetSRName:
print "Spatial references don't match"
print "Spatial references do match"
if currentFCSRName == targetSRName:
# Determine the new output feature class path and name
outCS = currentFC[:-4] +"_projected.shp"
#Reproject datasets that are different from target file
arcpy.Project_management(currentFC, outCS, targetSR)
#Create a message stating which files were projected
projFCs = outCS[:-14] +".shp"
#print projFCs
projFCList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(projFCs)
x = ", ".join(projFCList) + ", "
arcpy.AddMessage("Projected " + str(x))
projFCs = outCS[:-14] +".shp"
, and have you seen my comments to your previous question?