How can I get fields in an infowindow to change when I click on something?

For example, if this is my infowindow code: cartodb.vis.Vis.addInfowindow(map, layer.getSubLayer(0), ['abbrev']) How can I change the column abbrev to cartodb_id when I click on a button, and have the new field appear in the infowindow when clicking on a map feature. I think it should be easy, but so far I haven't found a way to do this successfully.

Here's a jsfiddle I'm experimenting with:


1 Answer 1


You have to set the cartodb_id interactivity in your layer_source variable:

var layerSource = {
      user_name: 'examples',
      type: 'cartodb',
      sublayers: [{
         sql: 'select * from country_boundaries',
         cartocss: '#layer { polygon-fill: #F00; polygon-opacity: 0.3; line-color: #F00; }',
         interactivity: ['cartodb_id', 'abbrev']

Then you can update your infowindow_fields as ['cartodb_id']. The infowindow will show the cartodb_id of the selected feature.

UPDATE: after realizing it was a problem of scope, this is the code that will work:

            jQuery(function($) {

            //default infowindow fields
            var infowindow_fields = ['abbrev'];

            // create leaflet map and define some properties
            var map = L.map('map', { 
              zoomControl: false,
              center: [43, 0],
              zoom: 3

            // add a base layer to map   
            L.tileLayer('http://tile.stamen.com/toner/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
              attribution: 'Stamen'

            // Create button to change infowindow field on click

        // Put layer data into a JS object
    var layerSource = {
          user_name: 'examples',
          type: 'cartodb',
          sublayers: [{
             sql: 'select * from country_boundaries',
             cartocss: '#layer { polygon-fill: #F00; polygon-opacity: 0.3; line-color: #F00; }',
             interactivity: ['cartodb_id', 'abbrev']

        var options = { https: true }

             // add cartodb layer with one sublayer
            cartodb.createLayer(map, layerSource, options)
            .done(function(layer) {
              var sublayer = layer.getSubLayer(0);
              cartodb.vis.Vis.addInfowindow(map, sublayer, infowindow_fields);
              var createSelector = function() {
                  var $options = $(".layer_selector").find("li");
                  $options.click(function(e) {
                      var $li = $(e.target);
                      selected = $li.attr('data');
                      infowindow_fields[0] = selected;
                      cartodb.vis.Vis.addInfowindow(map, sublayer, infowindow_fields);



  • Thank you for your reply @ramiroaznar - unfortunately however, adding your above code still doesn't result in the 'cartodb_id' field showing up when you click on the button. The infowindow still comes up blank :( Unless there's a way to force the infowindow field to appear?
    – Sidders
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 12:02
  • It is working on my side with the fiddle you have shared. Have you tried to apply the changes I suggested and refresh the site? Or running on a local server? Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 12:05
  • How bizarre. I've revised the fiddle to include your code (link below), which I've also hard-refreshed a few times, but I still get a blank infowindow after clicking on the button: link
    – Sidders
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 12:22
  • You have to replace in line 4 the field you want to interact to var infowindow_fields = ['cartodb_id'];. After that refresh your browser. Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 12:45
  • Okay. I changed var infowindow_fields = ['abbrev']; to var infowindow_fields = ['cartodb_id'];, however that changes the infowindow field before loading the map. Instead I want to change the field ['abbrev'] to ['cartodb'] after clicking on a button. I hope that makes more sense. So to do this I've tried to explicitly set infowindow_fields[0] to the selected variable, which contains the field I want, in the click function (see jsfiddle link in the original post). But this doesn't work. I'd be grateful to know why and how to fix that? I hope that solves any misunderstanding :)
    – Sidders
    Commented Oct 18, 2016 at 13:22

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