I get 'parameters are not valid' error (see detailed error message below), when I try to execute arcpy.CreateTin_3d() function (code below)
Error I get:
Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.
ERROR 000800: The value is not a member of .
ERROR 000800: The value is not a member of .
Failed to execute (CreateTin).
def createTIN():
arcpy.AddMessage("You clicked OK")
shift_tin_source = "C:\\Data\\Interacting with Maps\\Interacting with Maps.gdb\\shift_tin_source"
shift_dx = "C:\\Data\\Interacting with Maps\\shift_dx"
# Coordinate System
table_created = arcpy.CreateTin_3d(shift_dx, "", shift_tin_source+" dx masspoints", "DELAUNAY")
arcpy.AddMessage("You clicked OK1")
print ("DX tin created")
except Exception as ex:
print ("Exception occurred!" + str(ex))
print (arcpy.GetMessages())
I also tried below different version of passing argument to CreateTin function.
table_created = arcpy.CreateTin_3d(shift_dx, None, shift_tin_source+" dx masspoints None", "DELAUNAY")
table_created = arcpy.CreateTin_3d(shift_dx, None, shift_tin_source+" dx masspoints None", "DELAUNAY")