I am unsuccessful in configuring an existing png-file tile cache that I want to use as data source for the provision of wms and wmts services.
Despite having worked myself through the deegree documentation and the utah example data set (that uses a geotiff-tile cache) I did apparently not configure deegree correctly.
I have a tile cache having the structure zz/xx/yy.png with a total amount of 9 zoom levels.
Within the datasource/tile/tilematrixset directory I have defined this tile cache as follows (example for two zoom levels):
<TileMatrixSet xmlns="http://www.deegree.org/datasource/tile/tilematrixset" configVersion="3.2.0">
<TopLeftCorner>427461.787361 103142.057325</TopLeftCorner>
<TopLeftCorner>427461.787361 103142.057325</TopLeftCorner>
I do not know how to set up the required xml document in the xml document within the datasource/tile/ directory since I do not know if my cache qualifies as a filesystem cache.