My unfinished app is:
I just want to know why I can't change mouse icon when the mouse is over a marker on a WMS layer. I am using GeoServer to create the WMS layer.
My unfinished app is:
I just want to know why I can't change mouse icon when the mouse is over a marker on a WMS layer. I am using GeoServer to create the WMS layer.
if you have extjs, you can do it with this way:
info = new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
url: '',
title: 'Identify features by hover',
layers: [layer],
hover: true,
formatOptions: {
typeName: 'layer',
featureNS: ''
queryVisible: true
info.activate();"getfeatureinfo", this, showWaitCursor);
function showWaitCursor(){
Ext.util.CSS.updateRule('div.olMap', 'cursor', 'wait')
i hope it helps you....