I'm working with the ESA CCI land cover rasters. I'm trying to window and project them, but the results aren't what I expect.
If I run ncdump -h -s
on one of the ESA CCI raster NetCDFs I get:
crs:wkt = "GEOGCS[\"WGS 84\", \n",
" DATUM[\"World Geodetic System 1984\", \n",
" SPHEROID[\"WGS 84\", 6378137.0, 298.257223563, \
AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"7030\"]], \n",
" AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"6326\"]], \n",
" PRIMEM[\"Greenwich\", 0.0, AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"8901\"]], \n",
" UNIT[\"degree\", 0.017453292519943295], \n",
" AXIS[\"Geodetic longitude\", EAST], \n",
" AXIS[\"Geodetic latitude\", NORTH], \n",
" AUTHORITY[\"EPSG\",\"4326\"]]" ;
I know also that the raster is 'north-up'...in the metadata from that same ncdump
it is written: geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north"
Now that I know the raster bounds, orientation and coordinate reference system (WGS84 = EPSG:4326), I attempt to window and project the raster using GDAL. I wish to project the data into EPSG:3035 (= ETRS89 = Europe), so I look up the bbox extent on epsg.io/3035 and read the following:
Projected bounds:
1896628.62 1507846.05
4656644.57 6827128.02
WGS84 bounds:
-16.1 32.88
39.65 84.17
With this in mind, I go ahead and make an attempt with the following (Python) script:
import os
os.system('gdal_translate -of vrt -a_ullr -180 90 180 -90 -a_srs "EPSG:4326" HDF5:"ESACCI-LC-L4-LCCS-Map-300m-P1Y-2015-v2.0.7.nc"://lccs_class esacci.vrt')
os.system('gdalwarp -overwrite -of vrt -te_srs "EPSG:4326" -te -16.1 32.8 39.65 84.17 esacci.vrt esacci2.vrt')
os.system('gdalwarp -overwrite -s_srs "EPSG:4326" -t_srs "EPSG:3035" esacci2.vrt esacci.tif')
A glance at the resulting TIFF makes it seem like everything is in order. Furthermore, when I run gdalinfo
on esacci2.vrt the corner coordinates are as expected (by epsg.io/3035):
Coordinate System is:
GEOGCS["WGS 84" ….]
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( -16.1000000, 84.1700000) ( 16d 6' 0.00"W, 84d10'12.00"N)
Lower Left ( -16.1000000, 32.8000000) ( 16d 6' 0.00"W, 32d48' 0.00"N)
Upper Right ( 39.6500000, 84.1700000) ( 39d39' 0.00"E, 84d10'12.00"N)
Lower Right ( 39.6500000, 32.8000000) ( 39d39' 0.00"E, 32d48' 0.00"N)
Center ( 11.7750000, 58.4850000) ( 11d46'30.00"E, 58d29' 6.00"N)
HOWEVER, when I run gdalinfo
on esacci.tif...the corner coordinates do not match what is predicted by epsg.io/3035:
Coordinate System is:
PROJCS["ETRS89 / LAEA Europe" ….]
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left ( 1894132.863, 6827128.020) ( 71d33' 9.14"W, 68d52'45.48"N)
Lower Left ( 1894132.863, 1086761.052) ( 14d56'32.27"W, 29d14'19.31"N)
Upper Right ( 7060793.737, 6827128.020) ( 93d51'27.16"E, 66d16' 0.52"N)
Lower Right ( 7060793.737, 1086761.052) ( 37d59'10.65"E, 28d17' 0.95"N)
Center ( 4477463.300, 3956944.536) ( 12d41'37.11"E, 58d41'13.10"N)
I can further replicate the EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3035 transform described on epsg.io/3035 with OSR, where the following results in the correct/predicted coordinates...which again are not what esacci.tif lists:
from osgeo import osr
s_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
t_srs = osr.SpatialReference()
transform = osr.CreateCoordinateTransformation(s_srs, t_srs)
print(transform.TransformPoint(-16.1, 32.88))
print(transform.TransformPoint(39.65, 84.17))
What am I missing and/or doing wrong here?
statement all on one line results in correct projected corner coords (fromgdalinfo
)! But the resulting TIFF does not seem correct (half of EU is clipped, part of NA shows). Alternatively, using agdal_translate -projwin
instead of the firstgdalwarp
yields similar results (correct corner coords, incorrect extent after visual check)...very confused..it seems a tradeoff: correct physical extent or correct corner coords.