I have a database on PostgreSQL 9.5 when I try to connect to the database in ArcGIS desktop I get this message in log:

CAN'T OPEN INSTANCE: sde:postgresql. Spatial Engine Connection Failed (-51)

After that I have an error:

ev.SQLstate = 42501 SDE DBMS Error: -25 ERROR: must be owner of database base ev.SQLstate = 42P01 SDE DBMS Error: -37 ERROR: relation "sde.sde_layers" does not exist LINE 1: select count(*) from sde.sde_layers

File pg_hba.conf changed and users have CONNECT privileges.

What is the problem?

I'm following Esri instruction.

1 Answer 1


The problem was in ODBC driver. After installing proper driver version -x86, connect have created. But One problem still remains - ArcGIS desktop doesn't recognize spatial objects in tables. There is a geometry type field in table, but it recognizes as String

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