This is my first time using python in ArcGIS. I have a gdb of about 100 feature classes, and need to get Zonal Statistics for each. I'm using a textbook, and got this so far:
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = 'D:\Documents\Archaeology\Dissertation\Data\GIS\Places_Bounds\Places\Exploded_Bilinear\Argolid.gdb'
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses ("ID_*")
for fclist: ("fclist", "place_id", "pelop1arcm34b", "MEAN", "NODATA")
The error is coming from line 6. I am assuming my trouble is defining the input for the zonal statistics -- I want it to refer to the geodatabase set in the workspace, and loop through the whole dataset (about 100 feature classes). For reference: place_id is the unique identifier, and pelop1arcm34b is the DEM.
. So the DEM is located in the workspace database and all the feature classes have the same zone field name?