ST_Overlaps, ST_Contains, ST_Touches, ST_Within works for TIN with point data. But, when I try with 2 TIN it gives error. Could you please help me understand the reason for failure and how to fix it. I need comparisons only between TIN objects.

SELECT ST_Overlaps
('TIN Z (((0 0 0,0 0 0.5,0 0.5 0.5,0 0 0)),((0 0.5 0,0 0 0,0 0.5 0.5,0 0.5 0)))'::geometry,
 'POINT(0.5 0 0.5)'::geometry);

SELECT ST_Overlaps
('TIN Z (((0 0 0,0 0 0.5,0 0.5 0.5,0 0 0)),((0 0.5 0,0 0 0,0 0.5 0.5,0 0.5 0)))'::geometry, 
 'TIN Z (((0 0 0,0 0 0.5,0 0.5 0.5,0 0 0)),((0 0.5 0,1 1 1,1 0.5 0.5,0 0.5 0)))'::geometry);

ERROR: Unknown geometry type: 15 - Tin
CONTEXT: SQL function "st_overlaps" statement 1

-Note: ST_3dIntersects works with 2 TIN objects

1 Answer 1


It is something of a hack, but you can use a the replace function on the TIN Zs, convert those to POLYGON Zs, and then use ST_Dump to extract the individual triangles as polygons. For example:

    tin (id, geom) AS (
       SELECT (ST_Dump(
                        'TIN Z (((0 0 0,0 0 0.5,0 0.5 0.5,0 0 0)),
                        ((0 0.5 0,0 0 0,0 0.5 0.5,0 0.5 0)))'::text, 
                        'TIN Z', 'MULTIPOLYGON')))
    tin1 (id, geom) AS (
        SELECT (ST_Dump(
                         'TIN Z (((0 0 0,0 0 0.5,0 0.5 0.5,0 0 0)),
                          ((0 0.5 0,1 1 1,1 0.5 0.5,0 0.5 0)))'::text, 
                          'TIN Z', 'MULTIPOLYGON')))
      ST_3dIntersects(a.geom, b.geom) 
    FROM tin a, tin1 b;

As there is no 3D equivalent of ST_Contains, you would have to ensure that your TINs are closed in 3D (ie, are solids) and use ST_3DIntersection of of the two TINs and compare against ST_Volume of each individual one.

  • Thanks John Powell. I will try this and see if the results are as expected. Also, could you please recommend any book/ source which has query examples like the one you mentioned. All the books/ sources that I have seen so far just explains the function with very simple query, like the one I wrote in this post. I have worked on complex SQL and PLSQL but I am very new to Spatial databases and couldn't write/ think of complex inner queries or joins. Any pointers are appreciated.
    – fastRunner
    Commented Feb 20, 2018 at 19:16
  • There is a section on 3D in this book, and the blog of one of the authors, has more examples of this nature. Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 10:20
  • Here is the git source I referred to above, with some of this TIN manipulation type code. Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 10:30

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