Using the airports tutorial I can export as openlayers and works fine. When i attempt to use leaflet export it causes the QGIS to become unresponsive and my system to run out of memory. When i look in the folder it has compiled a lot of the code and files. It seems to be hanging whilst trying to write the shapefile data to JSON as the below photo. Is this a known issue. I need a leaflet version as ultimately i want to use omnivore to pull data onto a map from a web hosted csv.
EDIT: It also won't display the Leaflet map in the preview pane
I'm working on Mac OS 10.11.6 with the latest version of the plugin on QGIS:
Version | 2.18.2 | QGIS code branch | Release 2.18 -- | -- | -- | -- Compiled against Qt | 4.8.6 | Running against Qt | 4.8.6 Compiled against GDAL/OGR | 2.1.2 | Running against GDAL/OGR | 2.1.2 Compiled against GEOS | 3.5.1-CAPI-1.9.1 | Running against GEOS | 3.5.1-CAPI-1.9.1 r4246 PostgreSQL Client Version | 9.4.9 | SpatiaLite Version | 4.3.0a QWT Version | 6.1.3 | PROJ.4 Version | 492 QScintilla2 Version | 2.9.1 | |