I've been trying to learn the ins and outs of QGIS for several years now. I am somewhat familiar with the software but certainly not an expert.
I have recently downloaded a section of the Canadian Dominion Land Survey from the province of Manitoba. For example, this file: http://mli2.gov.mb.ca/quarter_sec/shp_zip_files/reynolds_shp.zip
I can import a layer (for example: sec_line_line.shp) and it asks me to specify the CRS. the one that is selected by default is WGS 84 - EPSG:4326. If I use this CRS I can export the new layer as a KML file. But when I import the KML file into google earth I see lines all over the globe.
I then try adding the OpenLayers Google Maps satellite raster and it complains that "Error: latitude or longitude exceeded limits". I assume this is because google maps rasters want to be in EPSG:3857. So I change the CRS of the project to EPSG:3857, select on-the-fly CRS transformation and add the OpenLayers map source. The map source loads fine, but now I can't see the original DLS data I loaded before (sec_line_line.shp)
I don't understand why this is, or what I can do to fix the issue.
I'm using QGIS 2.18 on Ubuntu 16.4 (Ubuntu 14.4 also does the same thing)