So, the situation involves :
- QGIS 2.18 and georerencer plugin;
- Downloaded TIF of an old canadian topographical map from Quebec National Library and Archives (permalink here) and as you can see, this nice map included a grid with latitude and longitude.
- The project I'm working on includes vector data using NAD83 MTM7.
Now, the problem :
- Right after selecting file in the georeferencer plugin, I have to enter what i think is the CRS of the original map, which I don't have a lot of info on (It says "polyconic projection" only).
- I was under the impression that "real" lat/long would be more than enough to georeference it precisely, but it appears that a entering a CRS is essential!
EDIT : Here's a screen capture of the menu prompted when adding the raster. It's in french, but in the first field, it translates to "select the CSR for the raster layer"
Now, the questions are :
- Is there any way I can avoid specifying a CRS when using georeferencer and just enter the lat long of the grid corner? Something that would tell QGIS "Look, forget the CRS, I have latitude and longitude and that all you need!"
- If answer to question 1 is "No", what should I do?