This is related to geodata. I am a plant explorer and go into Ecuador and Peru looking for new species of plants. I take close to 1000 pictures each time I go, and I use a Garmin Oregon GPS device to create a track each day. I can use GeoSetter to read all the GPS Coordinate data and the Elevation and put it into the appropriate pictures which match the Track timestamp. My Garmin also records ambient temperature data in the track file, but I know of no program that will read it and put it in the appropriate field of the EXIF photos.
Is anyone aware of a program that will do this?
If not, is there a program that will read each waypoint in a track file and assign the various values to a list variables, so that I can then write a program to match them against the Creation Time of each of the photos in my directory?
I can then use ExifTool to write the temperature data back into the EXIF data.