I am trying to view some vector tiles hosted outside of ArcGIS Online/ArcGIS Enterprise on my own tile server (Flat non indexed tiles).
I have been unable to add the Tile Server to the .NET Runtime application.
I think it's because of ESRI's implementation of the Stylesheet baked into the URL.
ESRI wants {level}/{Col}/{row}.pbf instead of standard placeholders /{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf (at least that's how you add tile server with the different placeholders)
the stylesheet is found by default with ESRI https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/a6SBLWoOui928qXS/arcgis/rest/services/UAS/VectorTileServer/resources/styles
the URL for ESRI's basemap https://basemaps.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World_Basemap_v2/VectorTileServer