I have 2 different layers. One layer is the field layer which contains field agronomic data, name, variety, etc. The other layer is a layer with about 2000 polygons. Each polygon is tied to a variety. Some contain the same variety and are in different locations. Also there are some areas that have polygons stacked on top of each other that contain different varieties.
I want to determine if there are any fields inside a polygon that contain the variety inside the polygon. Another way of saying, I want to know if there are any fields inside the different polygons that have that variety.
I have tried join by location. (1:Many)Instead of telling me which polygons contain the field, I only get back how many polygons as a count. since I am not getting the information from the polygon layer, I cannot query if the varieties match.
I have also tried joining by attribute. Doing this will link up the varieties, but it is not spatially accurate.
I am using QGIS.