I have a CSV file of data on a set of 3000 points (locations) with respective coordinates and a number of attributes. I want to perform a regression analysis that takes cognizance of any spatial relationships among the points(locations). As such, I want to arrange the data in a dataframe in a way such that for each well, I will have the following:
A list of points (location IDs) within the specified radius of the buffers around each point(location), where the specified radius are for example: 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 miles.
The sum and/or average of the values of given attributes(eg. population_size) of the point (location) that fall within each of these specified radii of each point (location).
I want to write the resulting table to a CSV file.
Below is what I tried based on some online resources.
library(raster) # for handling geographic raster data
library(stringr) # for working with strings (pattern matching)
library(rgdal) #For checking available CRSs interactively.
library(lwgeom) #Needed for distances
#Load Data:
data<- read.csv("Loc.csv")
#Set as sf object
datatosf=st_as_sf(data,coords = c("lon", "lat"))
#Then set appropriate geometric CRS as
datatosf_geo = st_set_crs(datatosf, 4326)
#Then project into UTM
data_projected = st_transform(datatosf_geo, 26913) #26913 is for NAD UTM Zone 13
# create all possible pairs of origin-destination in a long format
newdata <- expand.grid.df(data_projected ,data_projected) #Uisng the sf object data or projected data here gives me erro below:
Error in lapply(x[i], as.numeric) :
'list' object cannot be coerced to type 'double'
#But when I use the original csv data, data, I do not get this error
newdata <- expand.grid.df(data ,data)
names(newdata )[28:29] <- c("lat_dest","lon_dest")
# calculate distances in miles:
setDT(dtt)[ , dist_km := distGeo(matrix(c(lon, lat), ncol = 2),
matrix(c(lon_dest, lat_dest), ncol = 2))/1.609]
#Write results to a csv file
Now, clearly I did not create buffers. Instead what I have is a table with each point(location) and the distance from it to all other point s(locations) (including itself) -- that is a 9,000,000 rows of data. And my CSV file could return or load only about a million rows.
Additionally, since I couldn't use the projected data, I am not even sure if the resulting distances are correct. Apart from zero which makes sense for distance between a point (location) and itself, the least distance is around 277. I
I am new to using R, especially to do spatial analysis. I understand I need to create a distance matrix with the buffers around the points(locations). How can I achieve my aim using R?