I am working with point data in QGIS, where the points represent electricity pylons on a transmission grid.

I have created buffers with a 1 km radius around each of the points, and I would like to know if there is any way that I can extract buffers from this layer based on the area of overlap with other 1km buffers.

I only want the buffers which share less than 10% of their interior space with another 1 km buffer in the same layer.

1 Answer 1


Create a SpatiaLite database, import your point buffer dataset into it, rename it to pbuffer, start DB Manager, open the SpatiaLite DB, and run the following two queries (one at a time):

  1. Query #1 creates a table with the overlapping areas of the point buffers.
   CREATE TABLE pbi AS SELECT pb1.id AS id1, pb2.id AS id2,
                              st_intersection(pb1.geom, pb2.geom)
   AS geom
   FROM pbuffer AS pb1, pbuffer AS pb2
   WHERE pb1.id <> pb2.id AND st_overlaps(pb1.geom, pb2.geom);
  1. Query #2 will, for each point buffer, give you the area of overlap with other point buffers (area), and it also produces a "flag" (ok) that is True (1) if the area of overlap is less than 10% of their interior space (for point buffers with 1 km radius).
   SELECT pbi.id1, st_union(geom) AS geom,
          st_area(st_union(geom)) AS area,
          st_area(st_union(geom))/(pi()*1000000) < 0.1 as ok
   FROM pbi
   GROUP BY pbi.id1;

enter image description here

  • 1
    Why create spatialite when you can run the sql as virtual layers Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 21:57
  • 1
    This is a matter of taste. Virtual layers will work, but I guess you will have to go via a layer (Load as new layer) between step 1 and 2. Combining the steps into one query and using Virtual layers would be elegant, but I think it would hide what is going on. Commented Jun 7, 2020 at 22:29

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