I would like to loop over all layers within a QGIS project and determine which layer don't have a spatial index and cause QGIS to slow down.
I tried the method hasSpatialIndex()
but this always returns SpatialIndexUnknown
even if it's for example a shapefile with qix file present in the same folder (created from QGIS itself).
source = iface.activeLayer()
if source.hasSpatialIndex() == QgsFeatureSource.SpatialIndexNotPresent:
print("not present")
elif source.hasSpatialIndex() == QgsFeatureSource.SpatialIndexUnknown:
elif source.hasSpatialIndex() == QgsFeatureSource.SpatialIndexPresent:
print ("present")
print ("something else")
I guess it's a bug that QGIS does not recognize the qix files in the same folder where the shapefiles are stored?
Is there really no PyQGIS-method to check layers if they are indexed? I am pretty sure that QGIS itselfs checks the existence of a spatial index because it uses the spatial index automatically if it exists.
work well only for index in spatial databases (PostGIS, Gpkg and Spatialite)