I have about 6 million rows with geography spatial features - they are all 1000 meter radius hexagons all over the US. There are a couple hundred thousand that would have been NULL, which I updated to "the north pole" so they could be indexed but not show up in my queries (on recommendation from a blog). I'm trying to find the closest polygons to a point.
I have tried many combos of spatial indexes to no avail. I run the sp_help_spatial_geography_index and the primary_filter_efficiency is always really low, no more than 15% and usually 3% or less. The odd one is that when it's 15%, if I run it a second time it drops to around 3%.
I have literally been trying for months to index this dataset and I don't know what to do. I've basically just reverted to using all points and use 4-point Lat/Long boxes to search for data instead, but it's kinda slow (2 seconds) - I would have thought Spatial would be faster, but it's 50 times slower.
EDIT - Using SQL 2008 R2. More history: First my data was just all points, and I would make a single radius around the point I was searching to see what points intersected, but that was really slow. I figured spatial indexes on only points aren't very helpful. So I had a revelation - what if I flipped the problem around - so then I put radius's around ALL the other points and indexed those instead. Then I ask the server to give me all the polygons that intersect the one point. Unfortunately, that did not help, same performance.
EDIT2 - Show Query using hints: For this 1 sample. the Policies date filter returns about 90,000 rows instantly. Including the Spatial filter takes anywhere from 500-1200 milliseconds depending on which type of index I use. I need to run this query on about 3,000 cases a day and no matter how much I've tweaked, the whole process still takes about 2 hours to run (All points do not query the same. Some other points take 10+ seconds).
DECLARE @g geography = geography::Point(40.731778, -73.77563, 4326)
DECLARE @DateDue DATETIME = '1/23/2014'
DECLARE @DateReceived DATETIME = '1/16/2014'
SELECT p.IdNumber, g.Radius1000Meters
FROM Policies p WITH(INDEX(IX_Policies_DateReceived_DateDue))
JOIN GisTable g WITH(INDEX(SPATIAL_GisTable_HHHM16)) ON g.IdNumber = p.IdNumber
WHERE p.DateDue >= @DateReceived AND p.DateReceived <= @DateDue
AND g.Radius1000Meters.STIntersects(@g) = 1
? It would be interesting to see how it compares.