I'm trying to put inside an OpenLayers project the legend for an NDVI map. Previously I've created with QGIS 3.10 the SLD as indicated on the GeoServer's official documentation.
When I try to use GetLegendGraphic to see the legend's preview I see only the symbol of raster and not the legend. If I set the style as default for my raster layer I can use the link from GetLegendGraphic for see correcty my legend. But If I set "Associated" instead of "Dafault" I see again the raster's symbol.
Why I'm obligated to use "Default" for styling a raster?
Here the WMS stylized(A) and here the WMS not stylized(B). The style name is NDVI.
it is possible to see the legend and is not possible to do the same with
The layer A has NDVI as default style and for B I've used "Associated".