I am getting a lot (~90%) tile cache misses with the error. "request does not align to grid(s) 'EPSG:4326'"
The native SRS here is EPSG:7845, however the tile cache is set to use the default EPSG:4326, and does cache some tiles.
I have set the SRS bounds using 'Compute from SRS bounds' (from here: GeoWebCache Miss: request does not align to grid(s) 'EPSG27700') however still no dice.
I am a bit at a loss why it's hitting a small fraction of the requests, but not others. Apologies for the wall of text!
Work so far:
I have tried to meet all of the cache requirements here (
WMS Direct integration is enabled (you can set this on the Caching defaults page)
tiled=true is included in the request
The request only references a single layer
Yep! See below for full incoming request.
Caching is enabled for that layer
The image requested is of the same height and width as the size saved in the layer configuration
Yep! And see incoming request below.
The requested CRS matches one of the available tile layer gridsets
Yep. EPSG:4326, the default, is kept as a cache. EPSG:4326 in the request image below.
The image requested lines up with the existing grid bounds
Yep. Used 'compute from SRS', so it's a massive box.
A parameter is included for which there is a corresponding Parameter Filter
I'm actually not sure what this one means...
I have a copy of the incoming request from leafletjs to address some of the above.